250@hsc.edu     (434)223-6000
Hampden-Sydney College Two Hundred Fiftieth Anniversary Logo and Wordmark

H-SC 250th Logo Centered Black Wordmark

Founded on Civic Virtue

As we commemorate 250 years of Hampden-Sydney College, we are reminded of its vital role in our democracy. Founded when civic virtue was seen as crucial to the success of our fledgling nation, the College continues its mission to educate engaged, ethical citizens who are knowledgeable about the day’s issues and willing to work for the public interest. Hampden-Sydney develops students committed to upholding moral principles, engaging in civil discourse, and deepening their intellectual honesty. Its mission to nurture civic virtue remains as relevant as ever. By embracing civic virtue as the theme around which we commemorate the College’s 250th anniversary, we honor the founders who saw its necessity for liberty.

Connecting with Community

Jeffrey Rosen headshot
Lisa Marie Bowens headshot
Adam Jortner headshot
Caroline Janney, headshot

Join us as we commemorate the 250th anniversary of Hampden-Sydney‘s founding with special programs, fine arts performances, museum exhibits, field trips, classes, and research projects exploring the historical and intellectual foundations of the College.

Testing Your Knowledge

You’ve heard of the Rhetoric Proficiency Exam…Now there’s Tiger Trivia, an “exam” that won’t affect your GPA!

How much do you know about John Hampden or Algernon Sidney? the first College buildings? how Hampden-Sydney colors became the garnet and gray? What do you know about key historical moments surrounding both the founding of Hampden-Sydney and our nation? Here, you will find out.

"I know of no way of judging the future but by the past."

-Patrick Henry

© 2024 Hampden-Sydney College | 250th Anniversary.